Birth Control Apparatus
Apparatus that informs you on a daily basis (depending on resources) whether you are currently allowed to have a child or not. Not functional.
art, abstract, modern, orange, object, hybrid, Weibach2, birth, control, mankind, apparatus
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Birth Control Apparatus

Height: 83 cm / 32 inch
Width: 38 cm / 15 inch
Depth: 26 cm / 10 inch

Weight: 5.1 kg

Year: 2024


Material: cardboard, metal, plastic, acrylic paint


Apparatus that informs you on a daily basis (depending on resources) whether you are currently allowed to have a child or not.
Not functional.

Apparat der wohl tagesaktuell (Resourcen-abhängig) darüber informiert ob man derzeit ein Kind bekommen darf oder nicht.
Nicht funktionstüchtig.

abstract, apparatus, art, birth, cardboard, control, hybrid, modern, object, orange