Weibach2 Now Member Of Kunstraum Varel
Weibach2 – User / Artist
interactive, art, climate, capitalism, consumption, environment, pollution, artwork, Oliver Neumann, Kunst, mixed media, contemporary, abstract, sculpture, objects
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Weibach2 Now Member Of Kunstraum Varel

Weibach2 has been a member of the artist group Kunstraum Varel (Germany) since July 1st, 2022.

The association “Kunstraum Varel” was founded in 2016 as a non-profit art association for the presentation, documentation and support of regional artists.
Goal of the association:
– Encourage encounters between artists on site
– To initiate suggestions and discussions with artists from other media and regions
– To convey an understanding of art in the region
– Give impetus to the municipal public

More details at www.kunstraum-varel.de