Weibach2 – User / Artist
interactive, art, climate, capitalism, consumption, environment, pollution, artwork, Oliver Neumann, Kunst, mixed media, contemporary, abstract, sculpture, objects
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Curriculum Vitae


Artist name:

Oliver Neumann
Europaring 3
26389 Wilhelmshaven




1998 – 2000
BA (Hons) in Sound Design for Film, First Class, Middlesex University London, 
SAE College Sydney / Hamburg

Certificate IV Film and Video Production, University of Sydney Union

1987 – 1990
Training as a radio electronics technician, Germany


Professional Experience

2018 – today

2013 – 2017
Independent game developer

2008 – 2012
Creative director, roomnight Media GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

2005 – 2007
Creative director, e-motionsWerk, film and communication design, Hamburg, Germany

2003 – 2005
Head of Toctic GbR – Oliver Neumann & Kofi Ansuhenne, Hamburg, Germany
Video/audio production

2001 – 2003
Sound engineer at NDR Hamburg, Germany

1991 – 1997
Command and control electronics technician in the German Navy



Exhibition History

09/2024     “Künstl(er)i(s)che Intelligenz
Group exhibition, OLDENBURGmeets, Oldenburg, Germany

06/2024     “Musik und Musikanten
Group exhibition, Galerie Atelier Rotklee, Putbus (Rügen), Germany

04/2024     “Kunst und Technik
Group exhibition, Galerie Atelier Rotklee, Putbus (Rügen), Germany

11/2023     “Kein Thema”
Group exhibition, Varel, Germany

08/2023    “Parkomanie – Zwischenräume”
Group exhibition, Alter Park Großburgwedel, Germany

07/2023    “Bewegung”
Group exhibition, Seefelder Mühle, Germany

04/2023 10. Internationaler Kunstpreis der Galerie QQArt
Group exhibtion, Hilden/Düsseldorf, Germany

11/2022    “Das kleine Format”
Group exhibition, Kunstraum, Varel, Germany

09/2022   “Dauerschleife / Trauerschleife – Und wenn Sie nicht gestorben sind…”
Solo exhibition, Gallery Kunstwerk Varel, Germany

09/2022    “Parkomanie – Kontrast”
Group exhibition, Alter Park Großburgwedel, Germany

09/2022   “Die Macht des Mythos”
Group exhibition, Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf, Germany

04/2022    “Save Us”
Group exhibition, Gallery Kunstwerk, Varel, Germany


Almost all works until 2021 are in private collections in Germany, France, Switzerland, Great Britain, Canada and the USA



Member of ArtConnect
Member of Sculpture Network
Member of Kunstraum Varel


Gallery Collaboration

Gallery Rotklee (Rügen), Germany

Gallery Kunstwerk, Varel, Germany