Abstract Mixed Media Art by Artist Weibach2
abstract, mixed, media, art, kunst, abstrakt
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Weibach2 – User

For me, it’s not about the artistic activity itself. The focus is not on technique and certainly not on perfection. It doesn’t even have to be finished. But it has to give me and the viewer/user access to another level in some way. In this sense, I create… ENTRY POINTS

Konsum - Interactive object by user / artist Weibach2

Since October 2022, I have been dealing with the flip side of our prosperity, the collective shadow of people. As a result of this intensive examination, at some point I saw the earth as nothing more than an eroded, colorless lump from which bones emerge, some of which are already exposed and whose heart, strapped in plastic, can barely work. But it is not the earth that I see, but the human being.


The object “Konsum” is our actual state of being.



Artificial intelligence enables us to create more efficient processes, automated solutions and new innovations that make our everyday lives more efficient and convenient.


What a joy when things do go wrong.



Künstliche Intelligenz ermöglicht uns effizientere Prozesse, automatisierte Lösungen und neue Innovationen, die unseren Alltag effizienter und komfortabler gestalten.


Was für eine Freude, wenn es dann doch mal Kacke wird.

Our mom - Art object by artist Weibach2
Studio Weibach2
Studio Weibach2

Selected work