Abstract Modern Interactive Hybrid Mixed Media Art by Artist Weibach2
abstract, modern, hybrid, interactive, mixed, media, art, kunst, abstrakt
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Weibach2 – User / artist

For me, it’s not about the artistic activity itself. The focus is not on technique and certainly not on perfection. It doesn’t even have to be finished. But it has to give me and the viewer/user access to another level in some way. In this sense, I create… ENTRY POINTS

Schleppruder - Weibach2
Paul Kanbobski - Human Apparatus 2 - abstract contemporary modern artwork by Weibach2

Paul Kanbobski
Human Apparatus 2


Paul Kanbobski - Human Apparatus 1 - Object by Weibach2

Paul Kanbobski
Human Apparatus 1


Work in progress

In the studio

Previous Works