Weibach2 – User / Artist
interactive, art, climate, capitalism, consumption, environment, pollution, artwork, Oliver Neumann, Kunst, mixed media, contemporary, abstract, sculpture, objects
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Water or education - object / installation by Weibach2

Wasser oder Bildung / Water Or Education

Grenzenloses Wachstum / Unlimited Growth - Painting by artist Weibach2

Grenzenloses Wachstum / Unlimited Growth

Listen - Painting / drawing by artist Weibach2


Perfect Fit - Drawing / painting by artist Weibach2

Perfect Fit

Bauer To The Kleegras - By artist Weibach2

Bauer To The Kleegras

BUG - by artist Weibach2


Reifenabrieb - Weibach2


CAR - Drawing by artist Weibach2

CAR – Drawing

Remote control - weibach2

Remote Control

Grass-Eater by artist Weibach2



CO2 - art installation by artist Weibach2

CO2 – Version 1 (interactive installation)


DURCHBLICK - art object by artist / user Weibach2


Konsum- interactive object by user / artist Weibach2


Sandkrieger - draft


Oh! - Art object by artist / user Weibach2


B-Wege - Media Installation - Weibach2


Bedingungsloser Konsum / Unconditional Consumption


Phase C - Interactive Object by Weibach2

Phase C – Interactive Exhibition Object

Artikel 20a Grundgesetz - Weibach2

Artikel 20a Grundgesetz

Time Capsule / Zeitkapsel - Weibach2

Time Capsule / Zeitkapsel (Exhibit)

Home Loop

Dauerschleife 1 / Permanent Loop 1 / Object by artist Weibach2

Dauerschleife 1 / Permanent Loop 1

Life Reflections 1 - Abstract Mixed Media Sculpture by Weibach2


Seriella - Exhibit / art object by artist Weibach2


Querwege / Crossways - art object by artist Weibach2

Querwege / Crossways

Dauerschleife - Trauerschleife - Art object by Weibach2

Dauerschleife / Trauerschleife

Lori - Mixed Media Object by Weibach2

Lori – Oil Absorbing Fish – Mixed Media Object

Aggslom - Abstract Mixed Object by Weibach2

Aggslom – Abstract Mixed Media Object

Banta 1.1 - Contemporary Abstract Sculpture by Weibach2

Banta 1.1 – Contemporary Sculpture

The Power of Myth - Art Object / Metal Sculpture by Artist Weibach2

The Power Of Myth – Art Object / Metal Sculpture

Cling - Abstract mixed media sculpture by Weibach2

Cling – Abstract Mixed Media Sculpture

Dead Dream – Abstract Mixed Media Sculpture

Kuiko The Wanderer - Abstract Mixed Media Sculpture - Weibach2

Kuiko – The Wanderer – Abstract Mixed Media Sculpture

Into The Spaceless / In die Raumlosigkeit - GFK / Glass fibre reinforced plastic - Weibach2

Into The Spaceless / In die Raumlosigkeit

Schwerlichtkrümmer - Torina van 0D0 - Floor Lamp - Weibach2

Schwerlichtkrümmer – Torina van 0D0 – Floor Lamp / Abstract Mixed Media Sculpture

Banta 2.0 - abstract sculpture - Weibach2

Banta 2.0 – Abstract Mixed Media Sculpture

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