“The Power Of Myth” nominated for the DA! Art Award Düsseldorf 2022
Weibach2 – User / Artist
interactive, art, climate, capitalism, consumption, environment, pollution, artwork, Oliver Neumann, Kunst, mixed media, contemporary, abstract, sculpture, objects
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“The Power Of Myth” nominated for the DA! Art Award Düsseldorf 2022

“The Power of Myth” was made by me especially for the DA! Art Award Düsseldorf 2022. A welded metal sculpture that primarily lets the intangible myth become visible through adjacent structures. The topic “The Power of the Myth” was given. 103 works were nominated from over 1,100 applications, including this object.

All nominated works will be exhibited in the Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf from September 6, 2022 to September 25, 2022.

More details about the award: https://da-art-award.de/

The Power of Myth - Art Object / Metal Sculpture by Artist Weibach2